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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: 10. IEEE 1451, 8 parts 1451.7-2010 RFID & Comunication, 8 parts 1451.5-2007 Wireless, 8 parts 1451.2-1997 Interface. TII, IEEE.1451 is Standard, autoidentificación Sistemas Plug&Play, IEEE.1451 linked to Smart transductor interefaces, Objetivo Principal: consiste en Asociar físicamente, Sistemas Plug&Play "Enchufar y Usar", Sistemas Plug&Play acuerdo entre proveedores estándarización entre ellos, 8 parts 1451.1-1999 Object model. NCAP - PC, Meta máxima es autoidentificación, Synchronize the configuration that relate the two devices allow the user Achieve a proper system performance, IEEE.1451 enable Synchronize the configuration that relate the two devices, Asociar físicamente Transductores, Asociar físicamente TEDS, IEEE.1451 aim Standarize the automation of intelligent systems capable of configure it-self, Synchronize the configuration that relate the two devices allow the user Only worry about plugging in the wires, Standarize the automation of intelligent systems capable of configure it-self suply set of protocols, 8 parts 1451.3-2003 Local Network. Multi-Drop Bus, 8 parts 1451.0-2007 Protocols & formats. TEDS
11.Ejemplificación Gráfica